Field Credit Investigation

  • ›For All Financial institutions , it is very important to ascertain that their customer is authentic and honest in sharing their details
  • We provide support to our clients in the same endeavour
  • We provide verification of residence points to verify the current Residential status of the customer
  • ›We provide verification for office points to verify the current working status of the customer
  • ›All this helps our client to make sure that the information shared by their customers is true and authentic


Verification of Income Documents and Other Documents (Risk Containment Unit)

  • ›Verification of Income Tax Returns
  • Verification of salary slips
  • ›Verification of Form 16s
  • ›Verification of death certificates
  • Verification of Banking
  • ›EmployementVerification
  • Land Documents verification


For our team of Field Officers :

  • Fullerton Verification Link
  • bajaj Verification Link
  • bajaj Verification Link
  • Negative case Verification Link